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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Reign Of Chaos Cheats Codes & Hints for PC - WarCraft 3

Reign Of Chaos Cheats Codes & Hints for PC - WarCraft 3

During gameplay press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code below then press ENTER again to activate.
Note: The following cheat codes can also be used in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Collector's Edition and Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Exclusive Gift Set Edition.

Cheat codes:
Fast Build: WarpTen
Fast Death: IocainePowder
God Mode: WhosYourDaddy
Gold: KeyserSoze [amount] (example: 'keysersoze 50000' will give you 50000 gold) Note - Default is 500.
Lumber: LeafItToMe [amount]  Note - Default is 500.
Resource: GreedIsGood [amount]  Note - Default is 500.
Food: PointBreak
Mana: ThereIsNoSpoon
Cool Down: TheDudeAbides
No Defeat: StrengthAndHonor
No Victory: ItVexesMe
Research: WhoIsJohnGalt
Show Map: ISeeDeadPeople
Tech Tree: Synergy
Dawn: RiseAndShine
Dusk: LightsOut
Time of Day: DaylightSavings [hour]  (example: 'daylightsavings 12' will set time to 12 noon) Note - The cheat without any numbers halts day/night progression as a toggle.
Upgrade: SharpAndShiny

Kill Animals
Keep clicking the mouse over the animals and they will eventually explode. The explosion will not hurt anyone else.

Ending Bonus Video
Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting to see a 20 second clip of StarCraft 2 running under the WarCraft 3 engine.

Find the Enemy Without Cheating
 If you think you beat the level but it wont say it most likely there is one more thing out there. if you press Tab on the key board the map will turn black and the enemy will turn their color. Therefore it will be easy to spot the enemy.

The Frozen Throne cheat codes for PC - Warcraft 3

The Frozen Throne cheat codes for PC - Warcraft 3

Cheats for Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne on PC are entered during game play.
To enter a code, during a game press Enter, type in one of the codes below, and press Enter again to activate the cheat's affect.
Here is a list of cheat codes that can be used in Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne.

Invincibility And One-Hit Kills
Cheat code: whosyourdaddy

Infinite Mana
Cheat code: thereisnospoon

Continue Playing After Losing In Campaign Mode
Cheat code: strengthandhonor

Full Map
Cheat code: iseedeadpeople

Instant Victory
Cheat code: allyourbasearebelongtous

Instant Defeat
Cheat code: somebodysetusupthebomb

Your And Allies Heroes Are Level 10
Cheat code: ihavethepower

Remove Spell Cool Down
Cheat code: thedudeabides

Disable Victory Conditions
Cheat code: itvexesme

Gold ; 500 is default
Cheat code: keysersoze [number]

Lumber ; 500 is default
Cheat code: leafittome [number]

Gold And Lumber ; 500 is default
Cheat code: greedisgood [number]

Fast Construction
Cheat code: warpten

Fast Death
Cheat code: iocainepowder

Cheat code: pointbreak

Fast Research
Cheat code: whoisjohngalt

Cheat code: sharpandshiny

Tech Tree Unlocked
Cheat code: synergy

Set Time To Morning
Cheat code: riseandshine

Set Time To Evening
Cheat code: lightsout

Set Time Of Day
Cheat code: daylightsavings [hour]

Toggle Daylight Progression
Cheat code: daylightsavings

Trees Disappear
Cheat code: abrakadabra

Level Select
Cheat code: motherland [race] [level]

Dota 2 cheat - Dota 2

Dota 2 cheat - Dota 2

Cheats can be used in practice games to test various settings. Enable cheats in the lobby settings, then, once in game, type the command into the chat box.

Cheat Commands:
-lvlup <x>
    Gain x levels.
-levelbots <x>
    All bots gain x levels.
-gold <x>
    Gain x unreliable gold.
-item <name>
    Gives the player the named item. Refer to the internal item names, below.
-givebots <name>
    Gives all bots the named item.
    Gives the player full health and mana, and renews cooldowns.
    Moves the player to fountain, also respawning if dead.
    Sets the timer to 0:00, creeps spawn and game starts.
    Spawns creeps instantly.
    Spawns neutral camps instantly, taking into account neutral spawn blocking.
    Disables / enables lane creep spawning
    Spawns a rune randomly at one of the two rune spots.
    Kills all creeps.
    Destroys all wards.
-createhero <name>
-createhero <name> enemy
    Creates named hero as a friendly or as an enemy. Hero will spawn at the location of your mouse pointer. Refer to the internal hero names, below.
    Displays AI status.
    Turn on or off "wtf" mode, where abilities have no mana cost or cooldown.
    Turn on or off "allvision" mode, where the player is given vision of both factions.

Equivalent Console Commands:
Command Equivalent Console Command
-lvlup # dota_hero_level #
-levelbots # dota bot_give_level #
-gold # dota_dev player_givegold (valueofgold)
-refresh dota_dev hero_refresh
-respawn dota_dev hero_respawn
-spawncreeps dota_spawn_creeps
-spawnneutrals dota_spawn_neutrals
-startgame dota_start_game
-killcreeps dota_kill_creeps
-killwards dota_killwards
-dumpbots dota_bot_dump_state
-createhero <unit name> [enemy] dota_create_unit <unit name> [enemy]
-item <item name> dota_create_item <item name>
-givebots <item name> dota_bot_give_item <itemname>
-wtf dota_ability_debug 1
-unwtf dota_ability_debug 0
-allvision dota_all_vision_enable
-normalvision dota_all_vision disable
-disablecreepspawn dota_creeps_no_spawning_enable
-enablecreepspawn dota_creeps_no_spawning_disable

The Frozen Throne cheat - Warcraft 3

The Frozen Throne cheat - Warcraft 3

Press [Enter] to display the two player message box, type one of the following cheat codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message "Cheat Code Enabled" will appear to confirm correct code entry.

Code Function
TenthLevelTaurenChieftain plays a special song
allyourbasearebelongtous Instant victory
daylightsavings Set time of the day
daylightsavings Toggle daylight progression
foodsavings unlimited food
greedisgood # Receive # gold and lumber
greedisgood Receive 500 gold and lumber
iocainepowder Fast death/decay
iseedeadpeople Remove fog of war
itvexesme Disable victory conditions
keysersoze # Receive # gold
keysersoze Receive 500 gold
leafittome # Receive # lumber
leafittome Receive 500 lumber
lightsout Set time to dusk
motherland Level select
pointbreak Removes food limit
riseandshine Set time to dawn
sharpandshiny Research upgrades
somebodysetupusthebomb Instant defeat
strengthandhonor Disable defeat conditions
synergy Disable tech tree requirements
thedudeabides Instant spell cool-down
thereisnospoon Unlimited mana
warpten Speeds construction of buildings and units
whoisjohngalt Fast research
whosyourdaddy God mode + 1-hit kills
iseeyourich unlimited health
mercyusplease summons giant hydra and dragons to aid you in your battle
sparemylifeheroes you can pick your heroes to add it into your altar of heroes